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Hello, dear creative soul,


Nice that you found me. I’m Sarah, and I want to share my creative ideas and inspire you. Working with natural materials and creating masterful works of art from them enriches me. So come with me on a journey through my magical little world because I want to help you on your creative path.

My dream is to give courses and design DIY books.

I’m very excited to see what creative things you let jump off the crochet hook, and I’d be happy if you sent me pictures.

Do you have problems crocheting and just can’t get any further? Feel free to message me, and I’ll see how I can help you.

If you have any questions or suggestions, I would be very happy if you write to me. Be sure to check out @LovinglyCraftedArt on Instagram too.


Nice to meet you!

If you have any questions, suggestions or something about me or crocheting on your mind, please send me a message.


Thanks for contacting me!

Dive into a magical world full of inspiration and ideas about crocheting!

Thanks for your trust!

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